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Matomy siempre esta creciendo, y es por eso que constantemente estamos buscando nuevo talento para que se una a nuestro equipo.

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Liguquam dapibs tiinsto doloroboeittis euis rpiciatis unde omnis iste natus erroraccntium doloremque laudantt meaque ipsa quae ab illiaritecto beatasp atur aut oditt fugit sed quia conuunagni dolores eos qui ratione vluptatem sequi nesciunt. Nequem ipsumdolor sit amet consectcing eliaes. ent vestibulum molestie lacus.

"Matomy es una empresa que se preocupa por su capital humano y el crecimiento mutuo."

Account Optimizer

To be able to persuade successfully each of our existing clients in order for them to extend the number of products and/or campaigns they currently handle with us. Basically, each manager should optimize each account by generating a bigger revenue.

Publisher Retainer

A Publisher Retainer, is in charge of not only retaining our existing clients, but optimizing their original key accounts. It will have constant contact worldwide with clients and publishers. It must have people skills and the ability to persuade the client in order to achieve its goals.

Still Interested?

Fill our contact sheet and send us your CV, if there is a new job offer and you meet the criteria we will contact you personally.

Still Interested?

Fill our contact sheet and send us your CV, if there is a new job offer and you meet the criteria we will contact you personally.

Publisher Retainer

Job Location: Mexico City, Polanco.
Vacancies: 2
Position: Trainee, Part time. Maximum 1 year until graduates from college.

Job Description:
A Publisher Retainer is in charge of not only retaining our existing clients, but optimizing their original key accounts. It will have constant contact worldwide with clients and publishers. It must have people skills and the ability to persuade the client in order to achieve its goals.


Requirements and Qualifications
